
Woo Hoo! Not only did I check my reports this morning and discover another $75 in pledges but I also received confirmation from the Kirkland Ave Pub that we are good to go to hold another Pub Night Fundraiser there this year. Woo Hoo!

I know I've said this before but it still really amazes me how my friends and family continue to support me year after year after year. Today I discovered my Aunt & Uncle's names on my donation report...for the third year running. I have to admit to being a bad niece and rarely visiting or calling them and yet they still come through to support my efforts. The other name I found today was from a friend who was my very first donor way back in 2000 when I started this whole adventure. She has come through every single year since. In addition to her financial support she always makes a point to ask me how training is going, how I'm doing with the fundraising, etc. I just can't say thanks enough!