
Wow. One more time. Wow.

Things seem to be coming together pretty well right now. I got a multitude of calls yesterday from Bjorg (my teammate) telling me about checks she had received. At last count yesterday she picked up over $300! That puts her pretty dang close to her goal for the San Diego Komen walk. It looks like I won't be sleeping with a stranger in Vancouver after all. If all goes well, Bjorg will be walking with me there as well. Yippee!

Donations continue to roll in for the garage sale. It is going to be quite the project to sort all this stuff out, get it priced and organized for the sale. I haven't even begun to clean out my own closets yet either! Now we just need to pray for good weather!

Yesterday I emailed my favorite morning radio show asking for something for my silent auction. Well they replied this morning and donated a gift basket! How cool is that? I'm really excited!