
Over the last three years I?ve walked over 1300 miles in my journey to help raise funding and awareness for the fight against breast cancer. Guess what ? I?m not done yet! This year I?ll add another 500 miles or so to that total ? 400 miles training and 100 miles in two multi-day endurance events this summer. So why on earth do I continue to do this? Consider these numbers:

? Every 3 minutes another patient hears the frightening words ?You have breast cancer?
? There will be 200,000 new breast cancer patients diagnosed this year
? Every 13 minutes breast cancer claims another life
? There are currently an estimated 1 million Americans with undiagnosed breast cancer

This isn?t the first time I?ve shared these numbers with you. Unfortunately these numbers are not improving so I share them again. That?s also why I?m still walking.

I am absolutely committed to fighting this monster we call cancer. I have fought this monster personally. I have seen the impact of this monster on friends and family. I have received the call way too many times telling me that still another I know is fighting this monster. That?s why I?m still walking.

Unfortunately monsters rarely die easily and this monster is tougher than most. It will take our continued support - financially and emotionally - to uncover the key that turns this battle in our favor. Great strides are made almost daily in this fight and I truly believe that once we find the key to one form of cancer the others can't be too far behind. This is where you come in.

To participate in this summer?s events I am required to raise a minimum of $4000. With your help I hope to reach my personal goal is $5000. The money raised from these events will fund local and national programs focused on breast cancer research, education, screening and treatment. These programs do not exist in a vacuum. It takes real money to continue to search for answers while supporting those in need right now.

Take a minute to think about your circle of family and friends. How many people do you know personally that this monster has touched? How many times has it been your phone ringing with the news of another fighting this monster? What would it be worth to you to see this monster defeated, or at least tamed, in your lifetime? It?s pretty hard to put a price on that but that?s exactly what I?m going to do. Please donate generously to this cause.

I will do the hard part. I will train faithfully for months, walking more miles than I ever thought possible, let alone reasonable, in order to be ready for these two events. I will talk myself senseless to anyone who will listen about the importance of early cancer screening and education, regular medical and self-exams, research, treatment and of course support for those who currently battle this monster. I will invite you to join me on this journey as part of my team of Kindred Spirits but if you cannot, then please consider joining me financially in this fight by logging on to www.breastcancer3day.com or www.endcancer.ca (Vancouver) and following the directions to sponsor me through an on-line donation. If entering your information online still makes you queasy, then simply send a check to me. I?ll fill in all the details and do the ugly paperwork for you to get your donation submitted right away. Either way you will receive a tax receipt for your records. Please take the time right now to sit down and write out your donation to help fund the fight against this monster. Every little bit helps.

I?m really counting on your support. I?ll send out a few updates along the way but you can keep track of my progress, both training and fundraising here. Don?t forget to sign my guestbook while you are here. Your kind words go a long way in keeping me motivated! Thank you again for your continued support and generosity.

Penny Kellam