
I sure hope anger is the appropriate reaction because I'm so mad I could just spit!

I am so tired of this monster preying on perfectly innocent people minding their own business just trying to raise their families to be responsible adults. I'm sick of having my heart ripped out ... again ... because someone I care about is forced into a fight they don't deserve and certainly didn't ask for. I don't understand and I'm mad.

So where did this come from? I called my hairdresser of many years because my vanity (and my gray) was showing and I wanted her to help me out. Instead I found out that this single mother of three very active children who works out of her home so she can stay involved in their lives, who scrimps and saves and worries that her children will need medical care that she can't afford because she doesn't have health insurance, is battling breast cancer. It's only been three months or so since I last visited with her and in that time her world has turned upside down. I've been there and I hurt for her. It's simply not fair.

I'm going to take my anger to the gym now. I was actually planning to take the night off from my workouts but somehow that just doesn't seem like the right thing to do now. After I work some of this out of my system, my entire email address book can look forward to an update on my journey and a potentially not so gentle reminder that we have to continue to fund the fight against this monster. It is simply not acceptable to sit idly by and watch the monster try to win.