
I continue to be astonished at the generosity of people I know. I checked my pledges this morning and found a new one from Jenny Cabaug. YEAH!! She had sponsored me last year as well but I didn't know that this year's pledge was on it's way too. That puts me less than $100 away from the minimum I need to walk. Yippee! I'm also almost 1/2 way to my personal goal of $4000!

I have to admit to not going to the fitness center this week. I'm nursing my weekend blisters and they are taking their sweet time to heal! I decided it was best to not aggravate them anymore than necessary since I have a 16 mile walk scheduled this weekend and back to backs the weekend after that. I am heading to Nordstrom's tonight to get new shoes. At lunch I'm picking up some Wright socks that are guaranteed to prevent blisters and I went back to my old heel inserts - all in the name of avoiding blisters!